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LincolnWay Ag Services (LWAS) was created in September of 2012 and founded by Noah and Jessica Coppess.  At its inception we were a custom chemical application business providing pesticide application for hire to our local cooperative and a few neighbors.  We quickly grew to include grain hauling for hire. 


In 2014, we added a 15” row planter and provided custom planting partnerships in 30” and 15” rows for corn and soybeans.  In addition to the planter, we purchased our first Y-Drop liquid nitrogen application system and began to offer full-season side dressing to our customer partners. 


2015 brought the addition of a second sprayer and our first full-time employee. 


Spring of 2016, in partnership with River Valley Cooperative, LWAS added custom NH3 application to the roster of services. 


Fall of 2017 we were excited to offer custom harvesting with the acquisition of our first combine.

“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”

– Masanobu Fukuoka

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